Thus, according to the recent patent application implanting a micro-camera directly into the eyeball may be a future solution for restoring sight to blind or people with damaged vision. Actually technology to restore sight to the blind by using electronic retinas was developed some time ago, but the link between the retina and external cameras was involving wires, which represents a significant disadvantage of such a method. But now it's said that the camera could be charged wirelessly and communicate directly with a chip implanted at the back of the eye, so very little external hardware would be needed.
UCLA Optical engineer Michelle Hauer thinks that technology may have advanced enough to insert a tiny camera inside the lens of the eye, capable of adapting for corneal optical effects and perhaps using haptics to stabilize its position. The camera would transmit images to a nerve-stimulating chip at the back of the eye, resulting in a complete electronic vision system.
It sounds great, so if scientists are able to make this technology true in near future, it will be an outstanding achievement. However, it seems a little bit unreal to implement such a perfect technology.
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Of all the places in which Ive travelled no destination has made me wish harder for the invention of the eyeball-implanted camera as The Gambia. Nearly every ,No destination has made me wish harder for the invention of an eyeball-implanted camera as Gambia. Here's my portrait of The Gambian people.,Eyeball-implanted camera: hus, according to the recent patent application implanting a micro-camera directly into the eyeball may be a future solution for restoring ,Eyeball-Implanted Camera Patent May Bring Electronic Vision, One Day. Artificial vision. Kit Eaton P O 1/22/08 10:48am 1/22/08 10:48am g 11,647 L 36 Edit.,Eyeball-implanted camera patented The camera could be charged wirelessly and would communicate directly with a chip implanted at the back of the eye.,Want a completely invisible hidden camera? Well, this method may be a little extreme for the sanebut its definitely an eye-catching idea. Okay ,Researcher from University of Illinois and University of Northwestern, United States reported has created a type of new camera in curve form like the human ball,This blog shows you Information about Latest Technology around world, Awesome Top gadgets in the world and their trends. This blog definitely help for ,Offers latest gadget reviews, latest consumer electronics, technology news, portable devices, gaming accessories and consoles reviews,Implanting a micro-camera directly into the eyeball may be a future solution for restoring sight to people with damaged vision, according to this patent application
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