Cable modems and ADSL modems are examples of faster modems in use today. Cable modems use the cable TV infrastructure to provide users with an access to digital signals. It harnesses the high bandwidth of cable television networks. Read about finding the best cable modem.
ADSL modems connect computers or routers to a DSL phone line. Some DSL modems allow the sharing of ADSL service between a group of computers. For a comparative study of DSL and cable modems, read about choosing the best Internet service.
Satellite modems use communication satellites as relays to bring about data transfers. These modems convert bit streams into radio signals. They provide Internet users with a satellite Internet access.
Wireless modems have revolutionized Internet access as they can offer Internet connectivity with the use of the very ubiquitous mobile phones. Mobile phones serve as gateways between the service provider and computers. Find information about the wireless Internet access.
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Best Answer: 1) Analog or dial-up modems run at 56K and are usually internal (PCI slot or external - USB or serial). 2) ISDN modems connect to your phone ,Different Types Of Modems Modems are classified on the basis of different criteria such as the place where they are installed, the manner in which they accept ,Best Answer: hi Modem is the short form of modulation and demodulation. There are several modem standards such as V.29, V.32, V.32 bis etc. Modem first ,Wireless modems come in a variety of types, communication links to work simultaneously on different frequencies. Transparent modems operate in a manner similar ,what is meant by: digital modem analog modem synchronous modem and asynchronous modem,Types of Modems. Standard Modems. Most This bus will enable its customers to add or exchange the different cards as their communications needs evolve. Back to top ,A few different types of modem connections include DSL modems, cable modems and standard analog modems. Learn about the disparity between cost and speed of modems ,Types of Modems. External vs Modems may use different command languages to control their functions, but most modems (called "Hayes compatible") ,Answer These modems are in use now. Modem Who uses it Provided by Cable: Cable Provider: Time Warner's Road Runner/Adelphia DSL: Phone Company: SBCYahoo/BellSouth 56k ,Modem is short for modulator/demodulator. Modems are used to connect with an Internet service provider, and can also be used to send fax transmissions. You can either
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